03 Jan

As we reflect on this season of giving, we want to express our heartfelt gratitude for our donors' unwavering support of the Adirondack Scholarship Foundation. Your generosity has allowed 60 deserving children to experience the magic of Pok-O this past summer. Camp is where kids get unplugged, find adventure, connect to nature, and form lifelong friendships. These transformations leave lasting impressions on the hearts of those involved. Your contribution has been pivotal in making these life-changing experiences possible.

The majority of our applicants receive partial scholarships, but due to the establishment of Named Scholarships a select number of deserving campers receive a full summer admission year after year without any cost. Specific families have created a dedicated fund, named in their honor that they generously and continuously contribute to. We're excited to acknowledge and honor these families and are delighted to introduce two new Named Scholarships.

The Terry and Anne McGrath Memorial Scholarship was created by Patrick Dunn and his parents, Brian and Kathleen, to honor his grandparents. The first recipient last summer was a first year camper from out of state who clearly flourished as evidenced by the fact that she was named Honor Camper by her fellow campers. Amazing!

Our newest named scholarship is the Bob Andrews Memorial Scholarship, which was created by his family to honor his long history with Pok-O as a camper, counselor, headmaster, parent, grandparent, and friend. Bob's legacy will live on in many ways, including in the form of a scholarship camper climbing the same mountains and swimming in the same lake that gave Bob so much joy.

In addition to these two new scholarships, we also have five additional named scholarships.

  • The Neal Andrews Memorial Scholarship was developed to honor a man who dedicated his time to assisting refugee families and sending children to summer camp. This scholarship is awarded to children for whom English is not their native language.
  • Both the Matt Potel Memorial Scholarship and the Remi Weiman Memorial Scholarship continue to be funded by friends and family who make donations in their memory every year.
  • Due to many generous donations, the Doug Fischer Memorial Scholarship is also a perpetual scholarship. The first recipient of the Fischer scholarship was a camper for many years and he just completed his second summer as a counselor.
  • Former camper, counselor, and Adirondack Scholarship Foundation President Peter Levine recently made a donation to ensure that the annual Peter Levine Endowed Scholarship will be perpetual! Thank you, Peter!

We welcome the addition of any new Named Scholarship, by family, company, or friends. Although these scholarships are wonderful, most of our applicants rely on help from donors like you. Every single dollar matters and makes an impact. We need your help to be able to continue to get the kids off the couch and into the woods. 

Thank you for your continued support of this worthwhile cause. Please don't hesitate to reach out to us or any of our dedicated Board of Directors if you have any questions.